The Erebus Realm

introduction: January 1st, 2014 7:35 PM


Last night my brother, Kayleb, hosted a New Years party for everyone we were friends with, and friends of friends with, too. The party was sick! There was booze, blunts, laughs, upon other things too. Not to add, Kayleb and I both had made a few new friends from our friends inviting their own friends to tag along. That's were I met Blaine and his girlfriend Melissa, aka: Missy. The two were quite ordinary to my view; Blaine had on the typical things, stuff for American Eagle and such, as Missy had on clothes from Forever 21, shit like that. During the middle of our conversation, Kayleb had to go attend to some problems upstairs. That's when Missy pulled out a black tablet, handing one to Blaine before swallowing it with a giggle.
The tablet was a drug named after the Greek God of darkness, Erebus, due to its color I guess. The two both said that the pill had slight long lasting side effects that were WAY better than marijuana. Me myself, am not a fond person of wanting to try out drugs of any kind but, after seeing how they acted, made me want to take the drug. As soon as the awoke from their slumbers and were sober enough to talk, Blaine hooked me up with the dealer who supplied me with a months worth of the tablet. "Take as many as you want in a single day, or at the same time. It's pure and it's natural," Were his exact words. So tonight, I have decided to take 5 tonight, as he said that's the dose he takes most times to get a full and long lasting high. I'll come back in the morning and give you my honest opinion of Erebus.
January 2nd 2014 5:03 AM


Hey guys, it's Anastasia here. Besides my massive headache, the night was awesome! The entire world felt as if it was spinning, I kept on seeing animals talking to me like a zebra or a catfish, along with colors all over, and then it all ended with an astral projection, having me float off to space! I don't know what kind of trip it was, but it was fucking AMAZING. I definitely would try this again, no single doubt.
Although, there was one thing that slightly bothered me. As I passed out, I had a dream I was in the middle of a street, along with the silhouette of a tall figure before me, speaking in what seemed to be tongues. It freaked me out a lot, to be honest. I guess it was just a movie I watch that influenced the trip some. I'll let you know if anything else happens.
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